Photo credit: by Allison Gannett When the Rev. Peter Fritsch interviewed with the folks at St. Christopher Episcopal Church in Port Orford,...
Ministry Development and Redevelopment
Where Do We Go From Here?
By Mary C. Frances, Senior Associate Consultant Last week I was meeting with a group of clergy and we were talking about the future of the...
MapDash: A Real Game Changer
By The Rev. Canon C. John Thompson-QuarteyCanon for Ministry Development & Congregational VitalityEpiscopal Diocese of Atlanta MapDash for Faith...
When the paradigm shifts, everyone goes to Zero
by the Rev. Ken Howard In my discussions with congregational and diocesan leaders around the Church of late, I have noticed a shift in the...
A Tale of Two Faith Communities (Vitality-Based Discernment in Action)
by Ken Howard In our early days of consulting with congregations and dioceses around issues of congregational vitality and sustainability, I had the...
Why should I pay for MapDash when I can get the same data free? (Hint: You can’t.)
By Ken Howard We’ve been getting this question a lot these days from our Episcopal clients: “Why should I pay for MapDash or Neighborhood...
Two Missional Intelligence Tools released in January
Two exciting missional intelligence tools were released in January: Know Your Neighborhood (KYN), an online research tool deployed by Datastory for...
Back from EpiscoCon – Pleased with Results
By Ken Howard Just back from EpiscoCon 2018. In recuperation and digging out mode, as you might imagine, feeling good about our roll out of...