We work with congregations, judicatories, and denominational bodies to assess their strengths and weaknesses, explore missional opportunities and challenges in the neighborhoods they serve, and leverage their strengths to engage community issues. We achieve this through data-grounded consulting, training, and coaching approach.



Atlanta, GA: Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta

MapDash for Faith Communities has been a real game changer for our diocese. Using this tool on a judicatory level has proven to be a real Godsend, because we are now able to get a deeper understanding of the needs and opportunities in the environment in which our faith communities are located…

Mapping Systemic Racism in Rural America (Bagley, MN)

FaithX delivered a powerful, revealing presentation on Mapping Systemic Racism in Rural America, revealing gaps in opportunity in our region among Native and Nonnative people: economic, educational, access to health care, and more.

TryTank announces partnership with FaithX to develop Episcopal Pulse

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 19, 2021  Lorenzo Lebrija | TryTank Experimental Laboratory 703-461-1880 | lorenzo@trytank.org  Ken Howard | The FaithX Project 301-704-4390 or ken@faithx.net TryTank announces partnership with FaithX to develop...


Identify and mitigate the impacts of structural racism on your community through our mapping services.

Vitality Improvement Program for Small Congregations

This program was made possible by a generous grant from Trinity Wall Street Philanthropies (a program of Trinity Wall Street Episcopal Church) to create a Vitality Improvement Program for Small Congregations (V.I.P.).

Become the Center of Your Community

Leverage your property and buildings to bring services
and resources the neighborhoods you serve.

Neighborhood Insights Report

Data-grounded, interactive, infographic report on 40+ key demographic and missional context factors to support new ministry development and redevelopment planning.

The Power of WITH

The Power of WITH

By The Rev. Ken Howard with a hat tip to Bishop Cedrick Bridgeforth UMC Resident Bishop of the...

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Congregational Vitality Assessment Judicatory Platform

Customized dashboard for the Congregational Vitality Assessment allows judicatories to offer the CVA to their congregations, add judicatory-specific questions, and monitor results over time.

MissionMaps for Faith Communities

Interactive online, map-based platform for demographics, trends, and analytics, including congregational vitality and sustainability, missional opportunity, drive-time analysis and more.


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