Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare. – Japanese Proverb Missional Assessment is the cornerstone of everything...

Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare. – Japanese Proverb Missional Assessment is the cornerstone of everything...
By Mary C. Frances, Senior Consultant Here at FaithX we have had our share of challenges this Fall. Our executive director moved across the country,...
What will be your next step in redevelopment? How will you step into closer relationship with those outside of your church? What tools/ skills/ partners will you need? Pope Francis says “Life is a journey. When we stop, things don’t go right.” As people of faith, we don’t stop. We pray, we discern, we engage, we pay attention, and we move forward as a community.
By Mary C. Frances, Senior Associate Consultant Last week I was meeting with a group of clergy and we were talking about the future of the...
By Steve Matthews FaithX helps churches and judicatories evaluate the impact of systemic racism on their communities by exploring “Data Layers.” ...
“Vision without action is a daydream. Action without a vision is a nightmare.”Soichiro Honda, Japanese engineer and industrialist This is not...
Search-in-Place: A More Effective Strategy for Clergy Leadership Transition by Ken Howard If I told you that there was a shorter, less painful, and...