VIP 2.0

Coming Soon!

Two 18-month Cohort-Based Vitality Improvement Programs

What is VIP 2.0?

VIP 2.0 is an 18-month cohort-based program for improving congregational vitality. In VIP 2.0 these cohorts can be formed either within a judicatory or as a hybrid cohort of congregations from across the larger Church. Within these cohorts, churches assess strengths and weaknesses with regard to vitality and sustainability, identify missional opportunities in the neighborhoods, and try-on some safe-to-fail experiments in their neighborhoods all aimed at  increasing their vitality and sustainability step by step. FaithX supports them in this with our proven data-grounded discernment process and proven tools the Congregational Vitality Assessment, the Neighborhood Insights Report, and the MapDash for Faith Communities demographic analytic platform.

VIP 2.0 is based on our Vitality Improvement Program for Small Congregations, a pilot program funded by a generous grant from Trinity Wall Street.

Participants in VIP 2.0 will choose on of two tracks

1. VIP Judicatory-Based Cohort: Cohorts of six or more churches from a single judicatory, much like our pilot program.

2. VIP Affinity-Based Cohort:  A hybrid congregation-based model open to cohorts of churches from across the country. Individual churches can apply and be accepted into the cohort, which will commence when we have six or more churches ready to make the 18-month commitment.

Currently Taking Applications

More information about start dates and application process will be forthcoming.

Cost Varies. We are still finalizing the fee structure for VIP 2.0, but we believe judicatories and congregations will find it quite affordable.

If you would like more information about VIP 2.0 start dates and cost as it becomes available, please contact us at