MissionMaps for Faith Communities
We help congregations survive and thrive in challenging times through data-grounded discernment.
MissionMaps for Faith Communities
MissionMaps for Faith Communities is a revolutionary tool for strategic missional planning. Designed from the ground up with the input of faith leaders across the United States, and combined with innovative data-grounded discernment practices pioneered by FaithX, MissionMaps for Faith Communities allows leaders of congregations and judicatories to rapidly, comprehensively, and deeply discern the stories of communities they serve.
MissionMaps includes demographic and analytic map layers curated by FaithX as well as infographic reports that are customizable to specified drivetimes.
Neighborhood Insights Report (NIR) is an infographic report designed to give users an interactive snapshot of their neighborhoods with 40+ demographic and psychographic data points, including critical information, such as Population Growth, Diversity Growth, Religiously Unaffiliated, Race and Ethnicity, Housing Instability (homelessness predictor), and more.
FaithX employs the NIR as the core of its Neighborhood Missional Assessment, a 4-hour, 4-session online consultation designed for congregations seeking to better understand and engage the communities they serve.
The MissionMaps for Faith Communities Platform
MissionMaps is an online, interactive demographic mapping and reporting tool, designed to help judicatories and their congregations explore the neighborhoods the serve, identifying missional opportunities and challenges, in order to develop strategic missional engagement strategies. MissionMaps will be available in three editions: MissionMaps Exec, MissionMaps Basic, and MissionMaps Premier.
MissionMaps Exec is perfect for missional planning on a budget. It combines our 7 most-requested interactive map layers with the ability to generate Neighborhood Insights Reports, which provides 40+ important demographic and analytic data points in easy-to-interpret infographics. Click here for more information on MissionMaps Exec.
MissionMaps Basic is a great tool for deeper, more extensive exploration of the neighborhoods around your congregations. It contains 60 data map layers curated by FaithX and access to a vast collection of data layers available though Esri, the world’s largest repository of demographic and analytical data. It also provides access to Neighborhood Insight Reports in an interactive format, employing dynamic HTML. Click here for more information on MissionMaps Basic.
MissionMaps Premier is the most powerful version of MissionMaps, including the ability to deploy custom analytic layers based on the location of your judicatories congregations and parochial reporting data you provide. Available custom analytic data layers include: congregational vitality, sustainability, and margin for improvement, the same analytics for parochial schools, drivetime boundaries, and much, much more. More on MissionMaps Premier coming soon!
Prices for MissionMaps for Faith Communities start at $1,995.
For more information on MissionMaps, email us at info@faithx.net.
MissionMaps Features
Data Inventory
A large selection of data from a variety of categories, including: People, Economic, Education, Health & Wellbeing, Places, Religion, and more.
Add or Remove Data Layers
Instantly choose which layers to add or remove from one operational menu.
To add data:
- Click on the Data Layers icon at the top right of your screen
- Select a Category
- Find the Data Layer you would like to add, choose “add”
To remove data:
- Open the same menu from which you added the layer
- Select “remove” to delete the layer from MissionMaps
Add Your Own Data Points
Overlay your own data points, such as congregant household locations.
To add your own data points:
- Click on the Data Layers icon at the top right of your screen
- Select a Overlay Data (Current Session Only)
- Drag and drop a CSV file of your data points.
To remove data:
Data is removed at the end of the current session.
Neighborhood Insights Report
An interactive infographic report with 80+ demographic and psychographic data points designed to give users a snapshot of their neighborhoods, with features including:
- Select study area by congregation name, address, or pin-drop.
- Select DriveTime and/or WalkTime boundaries.
- Choose up to 6 additional distances around your location.
- Export to a live, interactive Dynamic HTML file (available in MissionMaps Basic and Premier).
- Easy access to Help, FAQ, and Training Videos, along with a way to share feedback (coming soon).
Access to a Vast Universe of Data
- Click on the Data Layers icon
- Select “All Data”
- Click the downward facing arrow next to “All MissionMaps Data”
- Choose “ArcGIS online”
- Enter key search terms in the search box to view what data is available.