by Mary Frances
This post is part of a blog series on
“Keeping Congregations Connected in the Face of COVID-19”
Click here for the previous post
In our last blog post I wrote about the amazing ways that judicatories have stepped up in the face of these unprecedented times. Today I want to consider how your judicatory can help you as you look to the future of your ministry.
Here at FaithX we work with judicatories all around the country to help them identify growth and define areas in their geographic region and key demographics to target as well as community issues and partners. Combining data with anecdotal information has perhaps never been more important. We support this work in several ways:
MapDash for Faith Communities Subscription
MapDash is a powerful missional assessment and planning platform with interactive demographic map layers and analysis tools to identify the “real world” make-up of your communities. If your judicatory has a MapDash subscription, ask them to help you identify key demographics for your community. If they don’t have a subscription, there are helpful alternatives such as the ones below…or you could encourage your judicatory to get a MapDash for Faith Communities subscription to support all the ministries of your judicatory.
Neighborhood Missional Intelligence Report (NMIR)
The report can help you identify the predominance of generation groups and the prevalence of at-risk populations within a 5 to 15min drive of your location, such as people over 65, households with a disability, households without transportation, and more.
This service Includes a Neighborhood Missional Intelligence Report plus one hour of consultative assistance via Zoom, helping you identify both the prevalence and location of at-risk populations, and the prevalence of COVID contagion in your county.
Neighborhood Missional Assessment
This 4-hour offering employs interactive NMIRs and the MapDash for Faith Communities platform to identify and locate at-risk populations, COVID prevalence and hot-spots, access to the internet in your area, and to prioritize needs and potential strategies. Includes a one-page summary report, an NMIR, and data maps.
And of course, we always offer data-grounded coaching to help you understand the data and identify ways to use it to support your ministry. Want more information on these valuable offerings? Contact us at
Want to help your congregation more effectively engage the neighborhoods it serves?
Those who engage a full Neighborhood Missional Assessment or other consultative program from FaithX will receive a complete NMIR in interactive (dynamic HTML) format.
Important Note: A Neighborhood Missional Intelligence Report can also be a useful tool for identifying the prevalence of at risk groups within your membership and ministry areas, and a Neighborhood Missional Assessment can help you identify the neighborhoods where they are most prevalent.
We have reduced the cost of NMIRs and NMAs by 10% for the duration of the COVID19 pandemic.
Want to help your judicatory identify emerging missional opportunities and challenges within its boundaries?
Click here to schedule a demo/discussion
of MapDash for Faith Communities
for Strategic Missional Planning
Important Note: In the days ahead Datastory will be adding COVID-related data to MapDash to all current and future subscribers (including incidence of COVID-19, hospital locations and capacity, Twitter feeds, location of doctors).
FaithX is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and Ken’s faith-based consulting practice at FaithX is carried out under an extension of ministry from the Episcopal Diocese of Washington.