Engaging the New Year

By Ken Howard

At FaithX, we are looking forward to engaging 2019 and we hope you are, too!

Our plans include:

Our FaithXperimental blog will include articles on:

  • Missional Engagement. Best practices for identifying engaging missional opportunities as they arise.
  • Mission Development and Redevelopment. Strategies for redeveloping existing congregations and planting new congregations, and how to know when each is appropriate.
  • Congregational Vitality and Sustainability. Articles on how to assess the health and long-term sustainability of congregations, and what to do about it.
  • Innovative and Experimental Faith Communities. We will be continuing our “Spotlight” articles, shining a light on more innovative and experimental faith communities, strategies, and ministries. If you would like to suggest a Spotlight article on your faith community or ministry, click here.
  • Contributions by Guest Bloggers. To let us know if you would like to be an occasional FaithXperimental contributor, click here.

In the area of Strategic Missional Consulting with MapDash for Faith Communities, we hope to continue and expand our work with:

  • The Episcopal Church. Ken Howard, Mary Frances, and Steve Matthews will be working to expand the numbers of Episcopal Church dioceses using MapDash for Faith Communities and engaging in strategic missional assessment and planning (with our help). We also hope to collaborate with the national church in its upcoming missio:Engage! initiative.
  • The Roman Catholic Church. Ken will be working on expanding the number of participating Roman Catholic dioceses.
  • Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Mary will be taking the lead on bringing the ELCA and its synods on board.
  • United Methodist Church. Steve will working to engage the UMC and its synods and districts.
  • Multisite Expansions. We hope to continue and expand the work we do with large congregations who need help determining where best to site their next campus.

In the area of Resource Development:

In the area of Research:

  • Research Review and Publication. We plan to continue our curation of relevant research and theological papers (click here).
  • A New Doctor in the House. Darren hopes to receive his doctoral degree from Liberty University.

And finally:

Here’s to a productive and missional 2019!