Assessment Tools
We help congregations survive and thrive in challenging times
through data-grounded discernment.
The Field Guide for Ministry Discernment and Discipleship by Greg Troxell
Developed by Greg Troxell over the course of 20 years, the Field Guide assessment tool has been used to help thousands of people, including seminarians, clergy, staff, boards, and congregants enrich their faith and engage in ministry together.
The main aim of the field guide is to help you get involved in what God is doing by utilizing your gifts, talents and strengths in ministry and harmony with others. Includes the Field Guide, introductory audio files, and 30-min. introductory coaching session. More info on purchase page.
Suggested price: $9.95 (one user) or $99 (entire congregation)
You Pay: $0.00+*
The Growth Readiness Assessment tool is a research based tool intended for church leaders use in determining their church’s readiness for growth. Leaders may choose to complete the Growth Readiness Assessment themselves based on their knowledge of their congregation or they may choose to administer the assessment to the entire leadership team or to the entire congregation for comparison.
We are making the beta version available free to those willing to test in in their church and provide us with feedback.
Suggested Retail: $9.95 per person ($99 for all congregational leadership)
Beta Tester Price: $0.00+*
Condition: Beta Testers agree to administer to leaders in their congregation and send their feedback to Ken Howard here.
Is your faith community in danger of becoming a Zombie Congregation? Find out using the Zombie Congregation Assessment. Zombie congregations are organizations that still function, but are unable or unwilling to grow and change. They are undead: not exactly alive but not dead either.
Faith leaders can take the assessment themselves based on their knowledge of the congregation, or they can administer it to the entire leadership and compare results. Don’t let the light-hearted, Cosmo Quiz style fool you. This assessment tool is research based.Suggested Retail: $9.95 per person ($99 for all congregational leadership)
Beta Tester Price: $0.00+*
Condition: Beta Testers agree to administer to leaders in their congregation and send their feedback to Ken Howard here.
*The FaithX Project’s ZERO+PLUS Program
Because we seek maximum information dissemination for the lowest possible cost, we now offer the items listed above on a ZERO+PLUS basis ($0.00 + whatever you feel called to give).
Prayerfully keep in mind that any amount you give over $0.00
helps The FaithX Project continue the ZERO+PLUS program.