Funded by a grant from Trinity Wall Street Philanthropies
By The Rev Ken Howard, Executive Director
Last week The FaithX Project proudly announced its Vitality Improvement Program for Small Congregations, made possible by a generous grant from Trinity Wall Street Philanthropies (a program of Trinity Wall Street Episcopal Church) to create a Vitality Improvement Program for Small Congregations (V.I.P.).
By the end of this posting, 22 Episcopal dioceses or their congregations had emailed us requesting application forms when we kick off the program in July.
Needless to say, we are gratified by the interest our announcement has generated.
Apparently, we hit some kind of nail on the proverbial head.
Requests for Applications Still Being Accepted. While the grant funds we received are sufficient to fund 5 Episcopal dioceses and up to 50 congregations, we will continue to welcome applications from additional dioceses in hopes of expanding the program in the near future (as well as non-Episcopal judicatories with the understanding that to accept them would require funds from other sources).
Application Process and Criteria to be Finalized Soon. FaithX staff will be meeting to finalize the program application process, forms, and selection criteria during the first full week of July, with the intention of disseminating application packets before the end of the month. In the meantime, dioceses who think they and a cohort of their small congregations might benefit from the program, should send a brief email expressing interest to, and all who do will receive an application packet.
Help Us Expand V.I.P. (Donations Accepted). The V.I.P. Small Congregation Vitality Program will rely not only on grant-funds from Trinity Wall Street but also from discounts offered by FaithX, financial gifts from other faith-based organizations, and individual donors who want to help us help small congregations find new ways to “live long and prosper” for decades to come.
Individuals or organizations who wish to donate toward the work of the V.I.P. may do so online by clicking on the button below:
Organizations wishing to become major financial or in-kind partners in the V.I.P. may inquire directly by contacting us here.
Click here for our previous V.I.P. for Small Congregations post