Something new in 2022!

Congregational access to missional intelligence reports now available in MapDash

By The Rev. Ken Howard

Attention judicatory leaders!

Have pandemic budget cuts forced your denominational headquarters to discontinue access to local demographic reports by your judicatory and the congregations you serve?

Have you been waiting to commit to MapDashTM for Faith Communities until your congregations could directly access neighborhood demographic reports? 

The wait is over! 

The FaithX Project is excited to announce that, starting January 1, 2022, subscriptions to MapDash for Faith Communities, our affiliate Datastory’s highly-regarded demographic/analytic platform, will include an option for your congregational leaders to access interactive infographic Neighborhood Missional Intelligence Reports directly from their own laptop, tablet, or desktop computer.

Existing and new MapDash subscribers can now add this new experience for direct congregational access.

The fee for this add-on starts at $1,495 for up to 50 congregations. Additional congregations can be added for $500 per 50 congregations. For more than 200 congregations, contact us at

For more information about how you can get this new MapDash add-on for your judicatory and its congregations or for guidance on your best option, contact FaithX at