Mobilizing Buildings

By Greg Syler

Editor’s Note: When I read this article on mobilizing buildings by Greg Syler in Episcopal Church Foundation Vital Practices, I found it so thoughtful that I wanted to share a link to it with our our readers. 

In it, Greg wrestles with the question of how to change how we think about and utilize our buildings so that we can become better able to shift their use when the demographics of neighborhoods around them shift. The core of his article is two provocative questions: How do we mobilize all of our building assets for their best use? And if we find that the best use is to sell the building and plow the proceeds into ministry, are we willing to make that sacrifice for the sake of God’s mission in our neighborhoods?

Click here to read the article on ECFVP

Click here for more information on Greg Syler

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FaithX is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and Ken’s faith-based consulting practice at FaithX is done under an extension of ministry from the Episcopal Diocese of Washington.