Neighborhood Missional Intelligence – Report or Assessment?

This Post on Neighborhood Missional Intelligence is the 2nd of 8 posts on MapDash Analytics

by Ken Howard

FaithX Strategic Missional Services now offers two resources to explore missional opportunities at the local community level. The first is a Neighborhood Missional Intelligence Report. The second is a Neighborhood Missional Intelligence Assessment.

Think of the difference between the Report and the Assessment as the difference between taking a “selfie” and sitting for a portrait, except the subject is not you but your community and both are much more detailed than you might expect.

The Neighborhood Missional Intelligence Report is a 2-page infographic report that we provide free in PDF form to any congregation (or judicatory) interested in exploring the kind of demographics and analytics available with a MapDash for Faith Communities subscription. It describes more than 24 key metrics about the population characteristics of the people living within a 15-min DriveTime of a selected congregation or location, and the challenges facing the neighborhoods in which they live. (If your congregation subscribes to MapDash for Faith Communities or has access through its judicatory, you can view the report live).

The Neighborhood Missional Intelligence Assessment is a 4-hour consultation (typically video-based) designed to help congregational leadership identify and understand missional opportunities in the neighborhoods surrounding their congregation. It employs a live and interactive version of the Intelligence Report and the interactive, online demographic and lifestyle mapping capabilities of MapDash for Faith Communities.

The Assessment takes place in four steps:

  1. Preparation of a live Neighborhood Missional Intelligence Report for your congregation or location.
  2. A one-hour preview meeting with the top clergy and lay leader of the congregation, to give them a preview of the Report and learn from them any particular questions the congregation is trying to answer about its neighborhoods.
  3. A two-hour presentation and facilitated discussion with the key leaders and leadership groups of the congregation, to dig more deeply into the demographic data behind the Report, identifying potential missional opportunities and resources for engaging them.
  4. A one-hour review meeting with the above clergy and lay leader, to explore potential next steps.

Typically $1,995

(half in advance, remainder upon completion)

Want to learn more about missional opportunity in your congregation’s neighborhood?
Click here for a free Neighborhood Missional Intelligence Report

Want to dig deeper into missional opportunity in your congregation’s neighborhood with a 4-hour consultation?
Click here to schedule a Neighborhood Missional Intelligence Assessment

Want to learn how your judicatory can identify emerging missional opportunities within its boundaries?
Click here to schedule a demo/discussion of MapDash for Faith Communities and Strategic Missional Assessment and Planning.