FaithX Blog

Shrinking Smart

Shrinking Smart

    By Steve Matthews - Senior Missional Consultant, FaithX Throughout September, FaithX blogs have focused on our mission statement: We...

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Separation of Church and State?

Separation of Church and State?

By Mary C. Frances, Senior Missional Consultant I have to admit that I was pleased and surprised to walk into a church in the upper Midwest last...

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Who is My Neighbor?

Who is My Neighbor?

By Mary C. Frances, Senior Associate Consultant Every four years my husband and I spend two weeks out of the summer doing what we call “our...

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What’s an “NIR”?

What’s an “NIR”?

By Steve Matthews, Senior Missional Consultant, FaithX “NIR.” Is that “Nearby Island Resort”? “Never Irritate Roosters”? What about “Needs Immediate...

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