Unique Redevelopment Opportunity for Five Episcopal Dioceses

At the end of June, FaithX received a major grant from Trinity Wall Street Philanthropies to embark on a powerful partnership with five dioceses across the country. This initiative is called The Vitality Improvement Program for Small Congregations (or VIP). More information about the initiative and the application can be found here.

Key benefits for participating dioceses and congregations include:

  1. Access to Mapdash For Faith Communities, an interactive demographic and analytic dashboard. This tool can be used with all the churches in your diocese–not just the 7-10 churches in the VIP.
  2. Access to the Congregational Vitality Assessment – Judicatory Dashboard. Any of the churches in your diocese can take the CVA at any time. Dioceses can also customize up to 10 questions, and they will have access to all CVA results.
  3. Access to the Judicatory Vitality Assessment, which your diocese can use to diagnose and then make plans to improve its own vitality.
  4. Over 500 consulting hours with your diocese and participating congregations.
  5. Training of a diocesan-level Vitality Improvement Team to facilitate the vitality work of individual Parish Vitality Improvement Teams among participating congregations.
  6. Creation of a Learning Community for your diocese that also connects you to other dioceses participating in the VIP.
  7. An honest assessment of the vitality and sustainability of each participating congregation, as well as the development of a compelling plan for the future.  

We would love to partner with your diocese on this exciting venture into congregational vitality, so fill out the application today!

Please note that our application deadline has been extended to September 30, 2022.

If you have any questions, please contact us at info@faithx.net or make an appointment for a Zoom call with Ken Howard at kenhoward.youcanbook.me.